This week’s MasterKey Experience became more intense, filled with both emotion and enthusiasm, I am part of a tribe of 7 clearly engaged Men and woman who are looking for some life changing effects from the Masterkey Experience, and they are finding all they can handle and they keep coming back for more, I could not be more proud, I appreciate the valuable knowledge that the guide counsel, is ready and willing to share.
The DMP’s that these tribe members are writing are quite awe inspiring, they could complain about the revisions but they are not, and their DMPS are coming to life, I am proud to be their guide. They are getting exited and I’m exited for them.
Of course my Blog wouldn’t be the same with out my Grand Girl Erayah, she brings so much joy to everyone, top left if you’ve seen The Princess Bride you will get it, more of my wildlife rescue friends, the one with the blue ball is Miss Claire, the one on my shoulder was from a litter that I did not name, because when I would name them it was very difficult to let them go back in the wild, he had a couple of brothers and sisters in this litter, they’re a lot of times taken out of attic’s almost dead because their Mothers have been trapped and taken away, the folks not realizing there were babies were up there for more than a week sometimes until the homeowners will hear them crying.
The bottom left is the tornado that tore through Dallas last Sunday evening. Talk about Amazing Grace, No Deaths and no major injuries were reported, The damage was unbelievable. If you look to the top left of the picture you will see what looks like a large piece of metal up in the air.
Onisa McNichols
I enjoy our group very much. I can feel the streeeetch but it feels good. Thank you for your willingness to share what you’ve learned with MKE to help others experience the same.
Thank you Onisa, Thank you for stepping out and making comments here its an important step.
D. Rembert
Nice pictures! Thank you for sharing your journey.
Your most welcome, be the light to someone every day.
Stephanie Dukes
Jeff, you have a special heart for all of life.